Civ 6 wiki government
Civ 6 wiki government

She dislikes civilizations with low science abilities.

civ 6 wiki government

Seondeok likes increasing science in her civilization and favors others who do the same. She was the first queen of Silla, and her agenda is Cheomseongdae. This bonus also allows Sumeria and allied civilizations to share rewards and combat experience if within five tiles of each other. He dislikes the civilizations who denies his friendship or attacks his declared friends.Īdventures of Enkidu is his leadership bonus that allows him to enter a war with a friend civilization without incurring any warmonger penalties. Gilgamesh has the agenda called Ally of Enkidu and he likes to make friends with other civilizations. Pedro II’s leadership bonus is Magnanimous (his nickname) which gives him a 20% refund for recruiting all the great people. He likes civilizations who don’t bother much about great people and dislikes the ones who compete with him for them. His agenda is termed Patron of the Arts and he likes to bring in as many great minds as possible to Brazil. He is very sharp and can easily grow Brazil for science and culture. He was the last ruler of Brazil and leads the civilization in Civ 6.

civ 6 wiki government

Her bonus is Radio Oranje that gives +1 loyalty for domestic trades and +1 culture for all the foreign trade routes. She likes civilizations who send trade routes to Dutch and hates them who don’t. Her in-game agenda is called Billionaire and she wants to get as many trade routes as possible to Dutch. She and her people have got a brilliant mind that helps them to exceed in science. Wilhelmina was the queen of the Netherlands and leads the Dutch civilization in Civ 6. Lady Six Sky’s troops also get an additional 5 points of combat strength when within six tiles of Mayan capital. Her bonus is Ix Mutal Ajaw that gives 10% additional trade yields when non-capital cities trade within six tiles, otherwise reduces 15% yield. She likes civilizations who stay far from Maya and dislikes the ones who come closer to her boundaries with troops and army. Lady Six Sky’s agenda is Solitary and she likes to keep her troops and cities close by the capital. She was a queen who ruled the city of Naranjo.


His leadership bonus is termed Trajan’s Column and grants a free building for every newly founded and built city. He likes the civilizations who do the same and dislikes others. His agenda is called Optimus Princeps and he likes to conquer as many cities and states as possible. He is the one who leads Rome to glory in Civ 6. Trajan was an Emperor of Rome and his army is always ready for a march. Pericles’ leadership bonus, Surrounded by Glory, grants an additional 5 points for each city-state that Greece has Suzerainty over. With this bonus, every three trade with civilizations who are ahead of Russia in science and culture yields them an extra point, i.e, +1 for science trades and +1 for culture trades. He gives The Grand Embassy leader bonus to Russia. Due to this agenda, he likes cities and civilizations with powerful civics and technologies and dislikes the ones who are behind in science and culture. Peter’s in-game agenda is called a Westernizer. Under his rule, Russia becomes one of the strongest lands in the world. Peter the Great leads Russian civilization. Divine Wind also helps Japan to build Holy Site, Encampment, and Theatre Square districts in half the time. Similarly, naval units’ combat is also increased by 5 points in shallow water. This increases his land units’ combat strength by 5 points when they are fighting on tiles that are adjacent to the coast. His leadership quality grants the Divine Wind bonus to Japan. Due to such likes, he favors civilizations with a similar balance and dislikes the ones with the strong military but weak faith and culture.

civ 6 wiki government

He likes to build a civilization with a balance between military strength, faith, science, and culture. The Japan civilization in Civ 6 is led by Hojo Tokimune, who’s in-game agenda is termed Bushido.

civ 6 wiki government

This makes civilizations like China and Egypt who loves creating wonders too soon a simple target for the good person. Another factor to notice is that whenever Macedonia under Alexander captures a marvel, all the military units are cured totally. However, this could be simply recovered, all you have to try to do is target cities with campuses, this may boost your science and culture.Īlexander’s leadership bonus, To The World’s finish, makes Macedonia a war-weariness civilization, meaning they’ll perpetually enter the war unless they don’t have enough troops to require on a town. Alexander’s endless war capabilities wait the Macedonian civilization from progressing chop-chop in science and culture. His in-game agenda is called Short lifetime of Glory. Kind of like the real-world Alexander, the sport character leads his civilization into an endless war. Macedonia is an ancient civilization in Civ 6 led by Alexander.

Civ 6 wiki government